LITERARY LOCATION: The State Library of Victoria in Melbourne, Victoria

If you’re ever near the State Library of Victoria, you should really get your butt in there to have a look around because this place is beautiful.


I mean, look at these pillars. Look at ’em. That is some impressive pillar work, guys.IMG_6876

Situated in the Melbourne CBD, right across from the Melbourne Central Shopping Centre, the State Library is surrounded by modern architecture that couldn’t even dream of looking this cool.IMG_6889

Donna Noble has left the library. Donna Noble has been saved. Just kidding. There are no Vashta Nerada around here. This sculpture of a sinking library is called Architectural Fragment and it was created by Petrus Spronk for the Swanston Walk Public Art Project back in 1993.

Now, step inside the State Library and get ready to ‘Ooh!’ and ‘Ah!’ because the exterior was only the beginning.


Fancy a spot of chess? There’s a whole collection of books and journals waiting for you—over 13,000 volumes, in fact. IMG_6877

Or you can just hang out and play your own game. My brother tried to teach me chess many, many times and I was terrible at it but I still find it enchanting. IMG_6879

If you’re not into chess, how about one of the SLV’s exhibitions? I think this one was Mirror of the world: books and ideas. I was too busy staring at rare manuscripts to remember the name.IMG_6886

I may have even teared up a bit because look at it. Look how pretty! IMG_6888

Or maybe you just want to see the La Trobe Reading Room? I can’t blame you.


You may be too busy looking at the books to notice the ceiling but just look up for one second and admire this. IMG_6881

And now come back down to Earth. These beautiful desks are spread out throughout the La Trobe Reading Room. If you’re doing some hardcore reading, you can lift up the middle panel to help balance your book and avoid a sore neck. IMG_6882

Seriously, if these walls were filled to the brim with books we may be approaching Beauty and the Beast library level here. IMG_6887

If you’re  super special human (probably someone who works here) you can access the books up in the balconies. If you’re a pleb like me, you can take photos from afar.


Go up a few levels and take it all in from above. I almost want to move to Melbourne just so I can come and hang out here while I write or read. IMG_6884

Can’t get to the State Library of Victoria immediately? Check out the 360° interactive virtual tour on their website.

3 thoughts on “LITERARY LOCATION: The State Library of Victoria in Melbourne, Victoria

  1. I am dragging the other half to Melbourne next year! I’ve been a few times but I never manage to make it to the library – now it is on the top of my list! Thanks for sharing your gorgeous photos Sarah!

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